This site contains little funny stories about my friends and myself, for example parabolic mirror experiences or beach concept, an interactive browser of places related to me. There are aslo some files to download, a midi music manager, non common links and some shockwave based games. Finaly several secret pages can be found. Everything is optimized with javascript functions.

If you don't enable Javascript on your browser or if you have a browser that doesn't support Javascript, you will have tons of problems accessing my pages. Some of them will not be correctly displayed.

If you think Javascript is dangerous, let me tell you Javascript is an interpreted language: it cannot access your computer directly. There is no danger to turn Javascript on. If you are scared about having cookies on your computer, let me tell you cookies cannot nothing but tell the server something the server told your computer in the past. On my site, cookies are used only for multi-language pages (so that your computer can remember which language you prefer). My site can work without cookies but it is better to turn cookies on.

If you want to continue without Javascript, click here. Otherwise, turn Javascript on in your browser's preferences/options and than click reload/refresh.